Coach operator near Font Romeu
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  • Transport Touristique

  • Voyagez en toute sécurité

  • Déplacements sportifs

Montagne et Transport: coach operator near Font Romeu for 20 years

A fleet of 30 vehicles

Founded in 1993, the Montagne et Transport company is a human-sized company originally focused on mountain transport activities for hikers and groups.

Over the years, the activities of Mountain and Transport have evolved towards the realization of school transport missions and excursions on demand.

Following the acquisition of Montagne et Transport in May 2019, the emphasis was placed on support in connection with the seller to ensure a certain continuity.

Montagne et Transport is a multi-active company. We provide all your transport, both tourist and professional with our 30 vehicles allowing us to adapt to each request.

The diversity of our fleet guarantees you an adaptation as close as possible to your expectations and the constraints of the road in terms of accessibility.

Mountain and Transport, it is 4 sites: La Llagonne, Saillagouse, Olette, Prades ...

Nos véhicule




Nos services


20 ans d'expérience à votre service

Safety - Rescue - Eco Driving

Our experienced drivers regularly follow the training modules necessary for the exercise of their mission to guarantee safe transport in compliance with the regulations.

To this, and as part of the voluntary training plan established each year, our drivers are also trained in first aid gestures and rational driving (eco driving) among others to ensure you a pleasant trip.

We speak English, Wir sprechen Deutsch, ...

For foreign customers, some of our drivers speak English, Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Dutch and German.

The whole Mountain and Transport team is waiting for you to share the route with us ...

  • Pyrénées Orientales
  • Pyrénées Orientales
  • FNTV
  • Axa
  • CREPS Font Romeu
  • Occitanie
  • Objectif CO2
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